Friday, September 28, 2012
The Fine Art of Fried Chicken and Other Foods
Matthew 6;25.......That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life- whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn't life more than food, and your body more than clothing?
Ok I know the title is weird. But I am a southern gal. And we southerners love fried chicken.
I mean we can't have a church lunch without it, right?
When I was married I fried chicken on average once a week. It was good. I guess I ate it so much that when we had a dinner at church I rarely got chicken. There was always too much other meats to chose from.
After I got divorced I still fried chicken......occassionally. Then when my son married and moved out I stopped. I mean you can go to KFC and get chicken. Or you can buy frozen chicken strips.
I started getting a "hankering" for some good old fried chicken. Homecooked. But why bother cooking just for one? So I didn't.
So when our church was going to have a homecoming with dinner, I thought I have got to fry chicken. I figured there would be a lot of chicken. Boy was I wrong!!!!!!!! Mine was the only one.
Everyone loved it and it got gone fast.
I guess I said all that to say this.........
Apparently everyone else was starved or " hankering" for fried chicken.
I feel that we have a "hankering" for more than that. I feel we have a need, desire, hankering for the word of God. I think we hunger for it..
We know that life is more than the food we eat, but it seems that a lot gets accomplished when you know your going to get something good to eat later. We got our spirits and souls fed in church that morning, we fed our stomachs later. We enjoyed fellowship with others.
We may not have solved any world problems, but we could have.
Do you remember the old Andy Griffith show where Barney has to get a house for some dignitaries who were having a summit to work out some issues. They needed it to be in a place where they had no interruptions. And to help Barney out of his usual mess, Andy lets them use his house.
As the meeting goes on, nothing is being accomplished. They keep getting interrupted. They are frustrated. They will be leaving the next day with nothing resolved.
Well, that night, some of them head to the kitchen for a midnight snack. With the help of an interrpreter and some of Aunt Bee's homecooking (there was fried chicken), all issues were resolved and an agreement reached.
Now I'm not saying the food had something to do with it, but it sure helped. The atmosphere was relaxed and they just enjoyed the food and fellowship with each other
Maybe we should all get together, with all our differences, with all our issues, And have a big ol' meal. We can sit and talk. Work out what is bothering us.
We could worship together, putting aside our different denominations.
We could, for once be tolerant of each other.
We could be of the mindset that everybody doesn't worship the same.
Where some are quiet and laid back, others are not.
In the Old Testament, feasts were common. There was a feast for almost everything.
Weddings and feasts were a time to celebrate and eat.
It's not the food. It's not that we have to eat. It's about our fellowshippping with others. It's about showing God's love to others.
Last year our church decided to have a Thanksgiving feast for the community. We put an ad in our local paper and people from the county called in for a free meal. It was a way for us to show God's love to others who didn't go to church anywhere.
We don't have one specific place to cook all this food. So each person that wanted to, cooked at their own home.
We didn't know how many our small church could feed. We wondered if we would have enough food for all our orders.
But we serve an AWESOME God, who provides.
With food set up in one room, the servers started fixing plates. The people delivering food got ready.
We had certain ares of the county to deliver to. Everytime we thought we were running short on dressing or cranberry sauce , another bowl would appear.We ran out of nothing. We fed over 100 people that day. Plus we all got to eat too.
No one did without anything, the plates were full and overflowing.
God's abundance is never ending!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Lord, I thank you for all my blessings. I thank you for the times we have to come together and fellow ship with you and each other. I thank you for loving us so much you sent your son Jesus to come and to take away our sins. Help us Lord to be more tolerant of each other and to love each others differences. Help me Lord to always be doing what you want me to do. I ask a special blessing on every homecoming and get together that we have, that we remember it's about you and not the food. Thank you for our food and bless the hands that prepare it. n Jesus name I pray, Amen
God's Blessings,
Friday, September 21, 2012
For the past few weeks I have had a restlessness that I can't figure out. An anticipation of "something." This feeling comes every now and then.
My thoughts go off in every direction.They circle around and around.
I have trouble sleeping. I will be almost asleep and a thought will pop in my head and I'm wide awake for hours.
I'm not satisfied at work. I go in late alot.
I look around at the people I work with and wonder, are they satisfied or are they craving more out of life than punching a time card and working 10 hours a day?
I wonder if this is my lot in life, to run a machine 10 hours a day for low pay, making only enough to get by.
I do a lot of praying.
And in those prayers, those times that I talk to God, he answers me.
Jeremiah 29:11-13 For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholehearted, you will find me.
Sometimes though, like now, I want to know those plans. I want to know what is next in my life.
Reading those verses does give me encouragement and hope. But then I also feel an anxiety, an anticipation, because then I'm waiting for something to happen. To change.
I don't believe I am to just work at that lowpaying job. I believe that God has something wonderful in store for me.
But when? And what?
In these times I start having doubts. because I am going into the ministry I think am I good enough?
Am I sure this is my calling? I don't have a lot of education so I'm not as smart as these people who have been preaching for years.I don't know theology......and on and on.
I know deep down in my soul that God has called me to work for him.I know that I can do his work even with a little education. I know he has given me a voice to speak and tell others about him and his love and mercy and the precious gift he gave us by the blood of Jesus Christ, called salvation, and to sing and to praise him.
Yet the devil doesn't want us to believe this. He wants us to believe his lies that we aren't good enough. ...... So in comes the doubt.
I know others feel the same things I do. My sister is a writer. And a very good one I might add. But she gets frustrated and thinks she's not. And she gets frustrated with the editing and all the things you have to do to sell a book.I know she is good. I know she has found her calling. I know because I see the potential in her. That's something we never see in ourselves. Our potential.
God sees it in us. He prepares us for whatever he calls us to do He doesn't send us out until we are ready. I know this.
But yet...........
Sometimes I just want to pack up and leave. I have always lived in the same area. Right now there is only one home between me and the house I grew up in. My mother still lives there. I wonder if I should just go. See the world. Well the United States anyway.
I read other blogs and see others with the same doubts. It helps knowing that you are not alone.
I believe most of my restlessness is because God is getting ready to make a mighty move in my life. And it scares me, because it is unknown.
Psalm 16;11 Thou wilt show me the path of life; in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.
God will show me the path of life, the path I am to travel. If I keep believing and trusting him. If I cast away the doubt and satan's lies and have faith in my Lord.
If I quit trying to rush things to suit my needs. And quit trying to do things my way.
Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God.
Dear God, I thank you for all you blessings. I thank you for life and my job, my family and friends. Lord I ask that you use me for whatever you need me to do. Help me to have the patience I need.Help me to remember that you are in control of everything. I know Lord that you will give me the strength and courage I need to do your will. Only you know the plans for me. Help me to increase my faith in you. In Jesus name I pray, Amen
God Bless,
My thoughts go off in every direction.They circle around and around.
I have trouble sleeping. I will be almost asleep and a thought will pop in my head and I'm wide awake for hours.
I'm not satisfied at work. I go in late alot.
I look around at the people I work with and wonder, are they satisfied or are they craving more out of life than punching a time card and working 10 hours a day?
I wonder if this is my lot in life, to run a machine 10 hours a day for low pay, making only enough to get by.
I do a lot of praying.
And in those prayers, those times that I talk to God, he answers me.
Jeremiah 29:11-13 For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholehearted, you will find me.
Sometimes though, like now, I want to know those plans. I want to know what is next in my life.
Reading those verses does give me encouragement and hope. But then I also feel an anxiety, an anticipation, because then I'm waiting for something to happen. To change.
I don't believe I am to just work at that lowpaying job. I believe that God has something wonderful in store for me.
But when? And what?
In these times I start having doubts. because I am going into the ministry I think am I good enough?
Am I sure this is my calling? I don't have a lot of education so I'm not as smart as these people who have been preaching for years.I don't know theology......and on and on.
I know deep down in my soul that God has called me to work for him.I know that I can do his work even with a little education. I know he has given me a voice to speak and tell others about him and his love and mercy and the precious gift he gave us by the blood of Jesus Christ, called salvation, and to sing and to praise him.
Yet the devil doesn't want us to believe this. He wants us to believe his lies that we aren't good enough. ...... So in comes the doubt.
I know others feel the same things I do. My sister is a writer. And a very good one I might add. But she gets frustrated and thinks she's not. And she gets frustrated with the editing and all the things you have to do to sell a book.I know she is good. I know she has found her calling. I know because I see the potential in her. That's something we never see in ourselves. Our potential.
God sees it in us. He prepares us for whatever he calls us to do He doesn't send us out until we are ready. I know this.
But yet...........
Sometimes I just want to pack up and leave. I have always lived in the same area. Right now there is only one home between me and the house I grew up in. My mother still lives there. I wonder if I should just go. See the world. Well the United States anyway.
I read other blogs and see others with the same doubts. It helps knowing that you are not alone.
I believe most of my restlessness is because God is getting ready to make a mighty move in my life. And it scares me, because it is unknown.
Psalm 16;11 Thou wilt show me the path of life; in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.
God will show me the path of life, the path I am to travel. If I keep believing and trusting him. If I cast away the doubt and satan's lies and have faith in my Lord.
If I quit trying to rush things to suit my needs. And quit trying to do things my way.
Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God.
Dear God, I thank you for all you blessings. I thank you for life and my job, my family and friends. Lord I ask that you use me for whatever you need me to do. Help me to have the patience I need.Help me to remember that you are in control of everything. I know Lord that you will give me the strength and courage I need to do your will. Only you know the plans for me. Help me to increase my faith in you. In Jesus name I pray, Amen
God Bless,
Saturday, September 15, 2012
I went to an outdoor concert today. It was at my daughter in laws home church.
Such a beautiful day, to be out, with a soft breeze blowing.
The gospel group Heirline performed. The leader of the group has an AWESOME testimony.
Here is a man, who had a very poor childhood. They weren't rich in money, but rich in love.
He was made fun of because he was poor. His mama was a deaf mute, she was struck by lightening when she was young. They lived with his aunt and her family in a 3 room shack.. He had cardboard in his shoes,.
Yet they had faith in the Lord. His aunt made sure he went to church. He started singing when he was 2. He says his mama never heard him sing.
He is a married man now, with 2 sons , who sing with him. He has major health problems. The doctors gave up on him twice, recently. They didn't think he would live. But there he was, up on a wagon for a stage, singing today!
He has astronomical hospital bills. If I had half that many, I would be in a deep depression. But there he is, smiling, happy, singing and praising the Lord.
That, my friend, is FAITH!!! That is believing in an almighty God. A God who can handle anything.
With all the struggles he has had in lfe, with the poverty and bad health, he should be a basket case.
He should be blaming somebody for his misery. He should blame his mama for the childhood he had. After all, that's what some people do..
But he hasn't. He is proud of his life. He praises God for his struggles. He knows that God is in control and that God loves him. He knows his mama loved him. He knows that no matter what his life has been like, God has his hand on him. He knows that whatever happens to him now, if he doesn't make it through the next obstacle in this life, he will be in a better place. He will be in the presence of his Lord, his God. He will get to sing for his mama, and she will hear him. And all the struggles he has faced in this life will be over.
I'm sure he has his moments of doubt and fear. He is human. But I believe he has the faith to overcome. He knows that God is there for him and with him.
Hebrews 11:1 Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen, it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.
Check out Heirline on You tube.
God Bless,
Such a beautiful day, to be out, with a soft breeze blowing.
The gospel group Heirline performed. The leader of the group has an AWESOME testimony.
Here is a man, who had a very poor childhood. They weren't rich in money, but rich in love.
He was made fun of because he was poor. His mama was a deaf mute, she was struck by lightening when she was young. They lived with his aunt and her family in a 3 room shack.. He had cardboard in his shoes,.
Yet they had faith in the Lord. His aunt made sure he went to church. He started singing when he was 2. He says his mama never heard him sing.
He is a married man now, with 2 sons , who sing with him. He has major health problems. The doctors gave up on him twice, recently. They didn't think he would live. But there he was, up on a wagon for a stage, singing today!
He has astronomical hospital bills. If I had half that many, I would be in a deep depression. But there he is, smiling, happy, singing and praising the Lord.
That, my friend, is FAITH!!! That is believing in an almighty God. A God who can handle anything.
With all the struggles he has had in lfe, with the poverty and bad health, he should be a basket case.
He should be blaming somebody for his misery. He should blame his mama for the childhood he had. After all, that's what some people do..
But he hasn't. He is proud of his life. He praises God for his struggles. He knows that God is in control and that God loves him. He knows his mama loved him. He knows that no matter what his life has been like, God has his hand on him. He knows that whatever happens to him now, if he doesn't make it through the next obstacle in this life, he will be in a better place. He will be in the presence of his Lord, his God. He will get to sing for his mama, and she will hear him. And all the struggles he has faced in this life will be over.
I'm sure he has his moments of doubt and fear. He is human. But I believe he has the faith to overcome. He knows that God is there for him and with him.
Hebrews 11:1 Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen, it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.
Check out Heirline on You tube.
God Bless,
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Faith Brings Joy
Romans 5:1-6
since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God
because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.
of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege
where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing
God’s glory.
3…..We can
rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help
us develop endurance.
endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our
confident hope of salvation.
5….And this
hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us,
because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.
6…When we
were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time, and died for us
Isn’t that
just like God? He sends help to us, just at the right time.
A lot of
times we think we just can’t go on. We think we can’t survive another minute.
And then God steps in. He is always there with us, but he doesn’t always reveal
his self to us.
Many times I
think that I can’t make it another second. That’s where my faith has to kick
in. I have to remember that he is God, that he is taking care of me and my
situation. Even when I don’t see it.
troubles and heartaches come along, we hard to remember this.
I am a
single lady, living alone on one income. It’s a struggle to get by and I worry
if I will make enough to keep my bills paid. But in the 3 years I have been
alone, God has never let me be without. Every time money gets extremely tight,
something comes along to help out. It may be an unexpected check in the mail
(like I had happen this weekend). Or overtime. Or a utility bill that is lower
than usual.
And then I
wonder, why did I worry and fret over it?
Our God is
so awesome!!!!!!! He can take our problems and turn them into solutions. God sees the big picture. He knows
what our future is. We don’t and we don’t like to not know things.
Looking back
on my life, I can see where God has been at work. He has never let me down.he
does all this because he loves us. We don’t deserve it. But because of his love, and Jesus’ sacrifice
for our sins, we can know that something better is on the horizon. We know that
when troubles come, we are building up our character and we are strengthened in
him. Then we can tell others about what he has done for us.
We can have
joy, even in times of trouble. No one likes to hurt. Whether it’s physical or
emotional, it doesn’t feel good. But if we keep our faith in him and know he
will take care of us, then we can have joy.
Let me leave
you with this word I saw from Joyce Meyer. She sums it up perfectly.
You may not get everything you want or when
you want it, but God will give you grace to have joy and be positive in any
situation. Joyce Meyer
God Bless,
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Let go and Let God
I have heard this so many times. Let go and let God. I bet you have too.
So many times I wanted to let go, but the devil wanted me to stay miserable and hang on to whatever the problem was,,,,so I did. I stayed moiserable.
And I just wanted to give up......I mean, what was the point? No matter how hard I prayed and begged and pleaded, it semed all was lost.
I was wandering around, doing only what I had to do. I went to church, and to work. I ate when I was hungry, smiled when necessary, and on the outside acted like all was just wonderful. But inside, where it really mattered, I was a mess.
A lady from church, who is a great prayer warrior, noticed how I really felt. She told me, "Girl your gonna have to let God have it and then leave it with Him. Let go and let God"
Easier said than done. But those words kept running through my mond. Let Go. let God. Over and over.
So I started reading my Bible more. Going to Bible study. I started listening to God. And I started letting things go.
I noticed my burden seemed lighter. I smiled more, even when I didn't have to. I started to see the good in myself and in others.
I may have to give things to him more than once. But I have learned to stop when I want to worry and fret about something and say Ok God, you can have it. I don't want it anymore. You are more equipped to handle this than me.
And he is faithful to take it from me.
2 Timothy 2:10-13........
10..So I am willing to endure anything if it will bring salvation and eternal glory in Christ Jesus to those God has chosen.
11...This is a trustworthy saying: if we die with him, we will also live with him.
12...If we endure hardship , we will reign with him.
If we deny him, he will deny us.
13...If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny who he is.
So many times I wanted to let go, but the devil wanted me to stay miserable and hang on to whatever the problem was,,,,so I did. I stayed moiserable.
And I just wanted to give up......I mean, what was the point? No matter how hard I prayed and begged and pleaded, it semed all was lost.
I was wandering around, doing only what I had to do. I went to church, and to work. I ate when I was hungry, smiled when necessary, and on the outside acted like all was just wonderful. But inside, where it really mattered, I was a mess.
A lady from church, who is a great prayer warrior, noticed how I really felt. She told me, "Girl your gonna have to let God have it and then leave it with Him. Let go and let God"
Easier said than done. But those words kept running through my mond. Let Go. let God. Over and over.
So I started reading my Bible more. Going to Bible study. I started listening to God. And I started letting things go.
I noticed my burden seemed lighter. I smiled more, even when I didn't have to. I started to see the good in myself and in others.
I may have to give things to him more than once. But I have learned to stop when I want to worry and fret about something and say Ok God, you can have it. I don't want it anymore. You are more equipped to handle this than me.
And he is faithful to take it from me.
2 Timothy 2:10-13........
10..So I am willing to endure anything if it will bring salvation and eternal glory in Christ Jesus to those God has chosen.
11...This is a trustworthy saying: if we die with him, we will also live with him.
12...If we endure hardship , we will reign with him.
If we deny him, he will deny us.
13...If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny who he is.
God Bless you,
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Worry is a Waste of Time
1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
Casting all care.....How many of us do that?
Isn't it easier to worry and fret about something, and try our best to take care of a situation ourselves, than turn it over to the Lord?
How's that working out for you? I know it doesn't work for me. I like to think I don't worry, but I do.....A LOT!!!!!!
Having to make all the decisions about everything in my life, money, will there be enough to last the month, what if I get sick and can't work, what will happen to me and my possessions? It's Saturday night and I have to preach tomorrow....Oh Lord I know I'll mess it up........And on and on......
What is the worst thing that can happen ? I had always felt that if this one thing happened in my life I wouldn't be able to go on, to live. Thought I would die if this happened.....Well it happened and you know what I am a stronger person now than I was. I didn't die (even though sometimes I thought I would). I grew closer to my Lord and Savior. And for that I am eternally grateful. Because of it I want to do more for him. I want to serve him, anyway I can.
Matt. 6:27 and Luke 12:25 .......And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit? Both say the same thing, just worded a little different. But the meaning is this......
What good does worry do? Can it change a situation in your life? Is it going to make you more prosperous?
No amount of fretting or worrying about something will add to your height or improve your life.....
And when we worry about something we are not showing our faith in God.
OUCH!!!!!! That hurt....
We (I) need to start trusting God more. We are his children and he won't let us down.
I was blessed this month because God's been giving me my sermon for tomorrow for 3 weeks now. But still I'm nervous. I don't want to let him down. I want to do my best, I want to give him my best, because of what he has done for me.
So what we (I) need to do is to seek him and pray. Seek him through his word. Pray his word. When we stop worrying and fretting over every little thing and put our complete trust in God, then he will bless us beyond measure.
Like the song says.......Don't Worry......Be Happy
Dear Lord, I thank you for all your many blessings. I ask, Lord, that you increase our unbelief in what you can and will do in our lives. I know Lord that nothing is impossible with you. Lord I pray that we learn to seek you in our times of trouble and to lean on you at all times.
Lead, guide and direct our paths in the ways we need to go.
In Jesus name I pray.
Casting all care.....How many of us do that?
Isn't it easier to worry and fret about something, and try our best to take care of a situation ourselves, than turn it over to the Lord?
How's that working out for you? I know it doesn't work for me. I like to think I don't worry, but I do.....A LOT!!!!!!
Having to make all the decisions about everything in my life, money, will there be enough to last the month, what if I get sick and can't work, what will happen to me and my possessions? It's Saturday night and I have to preach tomorrow....Oh Lord I know I'll mess it up........And on and on......
What is the worst thing that can happen ? I had always felt that if this one thing happened in my life I wouldn't be able to go on, to live. Thought I would die if this happened.....Well it happened and you know what I am a stronger person now than I was. I didn't die (even though sometimes I thought I would). I grew closer to my Lord and Savior. And for that I am eternally grateful. Because of it I want to do more for him. I want to serve him, anyway I can.
Matt. 6:27 and Luke 12:25 .......And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit? Both say the same thing, just worded a little different. But the meaning is this......
What good does worry do? Can it change a situation in your life? Is it going to make you more prosperous?
No amount of fretting or worrying about something will add to your height or improve your life.....
And when we worry about something we are not showing our faith in God.
OUCH!!!!!! That hurt....
We (I) need to start trusting God more. We are his children and he won't let us down.
I was blessed this month because God's been giving me my sermon for tomorrow for 3 weeks now. But still I'm nervous. I don't want to let him down. I want to do my best, I want to give him my best, because of what he has done for me.
So what we (I) need to do is to seek him and pray. Seek him through his word. Pray his word. When we stop worrying and fretting over every little thing and put our complete trust in God, then he will bless us beyond measure.
Like the song says.......Don't Worry......Be Happy
Dear Lord, I thank you for all your many blessings. I ask, Lord, that you increase our unbelief in what you can and will do in our lives. I know Lord that nothing is impossible with you. Lord I pray that we learn to seek you in our times of trouble and to lean on you at all times.
Lead, guide and direct our paths in the ways we need to go.
In Jesus name I pray.
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